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Mailee Her

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What was your Undergrad Institution and Major?

I graduated from University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in Communications with emphasis in Health Communication.

What piqued your interest to study health communication?

I’ve always known that I wanted to work in healthcare but not as a nurse or doctor. During my sophomore year of undergrad, my advisor suggested that I look into Public Health, however my undergrad institution didn’t offer PH. That’s how I found health communication and I’ve been here ever since. It targets exactly what I want to do.

Why is earning your MS at Northwestern important to you?

As a first-generation student, it is super important to me that I earn my degree as my achievements and not just mine alone. However, the fact that I will be able to earn my MS in something I enjoy so much is a dream come true. Being a student at one of the top ten schools in the U.S. is amazing but learning from professors with incredible experiences and knowledge is one of the many reasons why I am enjoying the program so far.

What are your career goals?

I hope to work in internal communication in a hospital where I can impact the lives of patients.

Any tips on balancing school, work, and life?

To be completely honest, it’s a lot easier to say than done, but it all comes down on how you manage your time. I recommend spreading your homework out throughout the week. Even if it’s just 2-3 hours each day. You will thank yourself Friday night. Be sure to take off-days. For me, Sundays are my off-days to not think about work or school. This helps me regroup my thoughts and goals.

What tips have you used in virtual learning?

Have a space for class instead of just laying down on your bed or couch. This will help you focus on lectures and discussion. Make sure to participate as well. This is so important as it will help you network with your classmates and help your professors identify you.

What is your favorite part of the program so far?

My favorite part of the program so far is the fact that all of the classmates are so closely related considering all of the different backgrounds we come from. We have a group chat and share our challenges together. This definitely helps bring all of us virtually closer together. But class is fun too.

Is there any additional advice or information that you would like to share?

The program is designed to challenge you. Even when things are hard, just continue why you started and keep pushing through. Make sure to take care of yourself in the process!

How do you practice self-care while in the program?

Like I mentioned earlier, have off-days. When you only have one day to rest, use it to your advantage. After class ends on Saturdays, I will shut my laptop off. This helps me pause and not think about what’s due for the upcoming weeks.

How has communication changed for you since starting the program?

I am more aware about my interactions with others especially when I need to be direct. The program has also changed my perspectives on why healthcare is so complex as there are so many interactions every day. I am excited to see how much will change as we continue.